My Doctor won't refer me to get my tonsils out?
She said it will be rejected by the ENT cause I need 5 cases of tonsillitis reported and anti biotics.
This is for NHS removal.
I'm not one to go to the doctor much, I just ride things out and take herbal remedys.
I get tounsilitus, strep throat constantly and always have tounsil stones.
I've waited ages to ask cause I have been scared of the pain but I'm ready to get them out and my doctor refused cause nothing is on file.
What can I do? How can I convience her?
Specially the tounsil stones really get me down.
This is for NHS removal.
I'm not one to go to the doctor much, I just ride things out and take herbal remedys.
I get tounsilitus, strep throat constantly and always have tounsil stones.
I've waited ages to ask cause I have been scared of the pain but I'm ready to get them out and my doctor refused cause nothing is on file.
What can I do? How can I convience her?
Specially the tounsil stones really get me down.
Best Answer
Every time you have a problem with your tonsils including your tonsil stones
then go and see your doctor,these visits will go down on your records.
That will be your proof that you need something doing to sort out your
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