Friday, March 29, 2013

Do I have a tonsil stone?



Do I have a tonsil stone?

I don't know if it's popcorn I had popcorn yesterday and today I have these white things in my tonsils? are they gonna go? how do I get rid of them? are they gonna stay there for ever? POPCORN Or tonsilloliths? How long do they last??



Tonsil stones are white stones on your tonsils. If they do not hurt and you don't have a fever then they can be scraped off. No the do not last long. Try drinking a lot of fluid to insure its not popcorn which should wash down.

Click Here to Download Beat Tonsil Stones



My Doctor won't refer me to get my tonsils out?


Resolved Question

My Doctor won't refer me to get my tonsils out?

She said it will be rejected by the ENT cause I need 5 cases of tonsillitis reported and anti biotics.

This is for NHS removal.

I'm not one to go to the doctor much, I just ride things out and take herbal remedys.
I get tounsilitus, strep throat constantly and always have tounsil stones.

I've waited ages to ask cause I have been scared of the pain but I'm ready to get them out and my doctor refused cause nothing is on file.

What can I do? How can I convience her?

Specially the tounsil stones really get me down.

Best Answer

Every time you have a problem with your tonsils including your tonsil stones then go and see your doctor,these visits will go down on your records. That will be your proof that you need something doing to sort out your problem.................

My doctor won't refer me to get my tonsils out? NHS?


Resolved Question

My doctor won't refer me to get my tonsils out? NHS?

She said it will be rejected by the ENT cause I need 5 cases of tonsillitis reported and anti biotic.

This is for NHS removal.

I'm not one to go to the doctor much, I just ride things out and take herbal remedy.
I get tonsillitis, strep throat constantly and always have tonsil stones.

I've waited ages to ask cause I have been scared of the pain but I'm ready to get them out and my doctor refused cause nothing is on file.

What can I do? How can I convince her?

Specially the tonsil stones really get me down.

Best Answer

Go to the doctor for the next 5 times you get sick, so it's documented. And then they will take them out.

You ask how you can convince your doctor to refer you for tonsil removal. The point is, she cannot. She has to follow the rules of NHS, and the rules are that 5 cases need to be documented first. She didn't set the rules, NHS did. And she has to abide by them, just as you do.

I know it sucks, but just play by their rules if you want your tonsils removed. Plus, if you go to her next time you are sick, she will prescribe antibiotics and you will be better so much faster than using herbal remedies, so it's really in your best interest.